Why Upgrade with a Closed Loop Fuel Management System?

Aug 8th 2016

Your bike’s efficiency depends largely on your riding technique. Some riders prefer high speeds and fast acceleration to efficiency and fuel preservation. While your individual technique will determine how much fuel your bike burns through in a given ride, upgrading your fuel management system can help your bike reach new levels of efficiency and control, even if you prefer laying on the throttle. RC Components proudly offers a closed-loop fuel management system for your bike. Today, we’ll take a look at the benefits of a closed loop fuel management system to complement your custom motorcycle exhaust.

What is a Closed Loop System?

Closed loop systems work by sensing your engine’s performance as the bike is running. Data is constantly monitored, and the amount of fuel your engine consumes is adjusted on the fly by the fuel management system. Open loop systems, which are commonly installed on many custom bikes, do not analyze how your engine is running. They rely on the throttle position and the overall RPMs your engine is running at in order to tell the fuel injector how much fuel is needed. Generally, open loop systems are considered less precise and will not greatly reduce the amount of emissions your bike puts out.

What Makes a Closed Loop System Superior?

Our RCX-Celerator system is simple to install. There’s no need to program your system, no software downloads, and no tuning required. Our system works with existing hardware to sense changes in elevation, throttle position and other factors to ensure that your engine can run at the optimal air-to-fuel ratio at all times. Simply plug the system in and you’re good to go.

RC Components has the right gear for you to take your bike’s performance to the next level. Best of all, our closed loop system is made in the USA, so you’ll know you’re getting the highest quality possible. Order your RCX-Celerator today.