Ditch the Car and Ride a Motorcycle!

Apr 5th 2016

The car is often regarded as the king of the road. While there are many benefits to owning and driving a car, none of them come close to the benefits of riding a motorcycle. At RC Components, we firmly believe motorcycles can be far superior to the average car. Here are a few of the many reasons we …

6 Myths about Motorcycles Debunked!

Mar 23rd 2016

Motorcycles have gotten a bad reputation over the years and the myths about motorcycles just keep building. Today, we’ll take a look at some of these myths and explain why they couldn’t be further from the truth.Myth #1: Motorcycles are dangerous.Most parents try to warn their children away from rid …

Five Tips to Improve Your Riding

Mar 1st 2016

At RC Components, we specialize in manufacturing custom motorcycle wheels, brake rotors, and other unique accessories that let your bike stand out from the crowd. We do this because we love motorcycles. We believe that there’s nothing better than setting out on the highway, sun on your face, and car …

Choose RC Components for Your Custom Motorcycle Wheels!

Feb 18th 2016

Why should you ride a bike that looks like everyone else’s? At RC Components, we can help you take your ride to the next level. Upgrade those stock parts with high-quality aftermarket wheels, exhausts, and rims. It’s our goal to give you the best parts possible so you can make your bike a reflection …