Ditch the Car and Ride a Motorcycle!

Apr 5th 2016

The car is often regarded as the king of the road. While there are many benefits to owning and driving a car, none of them come close to the benefits of riding a motorcycle. At RC Components, we firmly believe motorcycles can be far superior to the average car. Here are a few of the many reasons we prefer life on two wheels.

  • Motorcycles are far more fuel efficient than cars. While the average car gets between 25 and 30 miles per gallon, motorcycles often achieve 50 or more miles per gallon. This means, you’ll be stopping at the gas station far less if you use your bike as your primary commuting vehicle.
  • Motorcycles are more affordable. New cars cost tens of thousands of dollars while a new, high-quality motorcycle costs less than many used cars on the market.
  • They’re easier to customize. Car accessories often cost significantly more and require more mechanical knowhow to properly install them. Many motorcycle upgrades can be done by someone with a moderate knowledge of how to turn a wrench.
  • You’ll be out of that metal cage and able to experience nature in all its glory. Cars may allow you to control the temperature of the cockpit, but nothing replaces the feeling of the wind against your face.
  • Riding a motorcycle improves your balance and develops your coordination. When you’re riding, you’ll have to focus on keeping the bike upright at low speeds, coordinating gear shifting, and acceleration while being mindful of traffic.
  • Motorcycles take up less room in your garage, giving you more space to store your other recreational vehicles and those oversized boxes of holiday decorations.

RC Components is your trusted source for custom motorcycle wheels. Contact us today to place your order!