Storing Your Bike for the Winter — Part II

Posted by RC Components on Aug 28th 2018

If you’re like many Americans, then you probably aren’t able to ride your bike every day of the year. We explained a few ways to keep your bike safe during winter storage in a previous post, and in today’s post, we’ll continue to provide you with information about winter bike storage. If you’re looking for the best selection of custom motorcycle wheels and exhaust pipes on the internet, then head over to the RC Components website to browse our massive catalog! We have everything from Harley-Davidson exhausts to parts for Indian bikes, so stop by and find the perfect part for your bike today!

Check Your Fluids

Many people forget which fluids need to be replaced when they take their bike out of storage. One way that you can make your post-winter riding easier is to fill up all of your bike’s fluids before putting it away from the winter. Top off the brake, coolant, and clutch fluids, and be sure to check our previous post to learn how to care for your fuel. If you’ll be storing your bike for longer than the winter, then you may want to completely empty all of the fluids before putting your bike into storage and refill them whenever you’re ready to hit the road again.

Prep Your Tires 

While it’s easy to forget about your tires — especially if you take good care of them throughout the year — you should give them extra attention before your put your bike into storage. Your tires are designed to hold air, but much like a balloon that has been sitting out for several weeks, they will eventually lose air while in storage. While you may be thinking that you can simply fill up your tires once you’re ready to ride, flat or semi-flat tires can cause permanent flat spots. You can prevent flat spots from forming by investing in a motorcycle stand, or by adding extra air to your tires and rotating them from time to time. The latter requires more care and dedication, but it can save you some money if you’re on a budget.

Invest in a Cover

In our previous post, we explained how to prepare your bike’s surface for winter storage, so be sure to go back and read that post if you missed it. After you’ve washed and waxed your bike, you should invest in a high-quality motorcycle cover that covers your entire bike. You’d be surprised at the amount of dust that can collect in a period of months, and the last thing you want is for your bike’s paint to be chipped or dulled when it’s time to ride in the spring.

After you’ve chosen a properly fitting cover, place your bike somewhere where it won’t be exposed to sunlight. If possible, set your bike in a dark corner of the garage where it won’t be accidentally bumped or knocked over by someone else in your home.

We hope that you have enjoyed this series! Now that you’ve finished reading, be sure to head over to the RC Components website to check out our amazing selection of custom motorcycle wheels and exhaust pipes. Whether you’re looking for an amazing set of eye-catching custom chrome rims or you need a new custom exhaust pipe, we have everything you need to create the bike you deserve!