Check Your Tire Pressure Before You Ride!

Sep 28th 2016

If you’re like us, you love your bike. You use only the best cleaning products, lovingly inspect the engine, replace stock wheels with custom motorcycle wheels, and ride as long and as often as possible. While all these surface upgrades and engine maintenance do help improve the overall performance of your bike, nothing affects the quality of your ride quite like tire pressure. Unfortunately, it’s one of the most overlooked aspects of routine maintenance.

Check the Pressure Frequently!

Low pressure in your tires can lead to poor traction on the road. If you ride in wet, muddy, or slippery conditions, low traction can really be a problem and often leads to accidents. The right pressure is key in staying safe on the road. If you ride every day, check your pressure once a week. However, if you ride less frequently, it’s a good idea to check your tires every time you ride as pressure decreases more significantly when the bike is left sitting.

Invest in a Good Gauge

While the gauges at most gas stations will give you a general idea of your tire pressure, they’re not incredibly accurate. Often, the readings vary significantly, even when you check the same tire multiple times. Invest in a high-quality gauge of your own so you’ll always have an accurate measurement!

Be Aware of the Weather

When the temperatures drop, check your tire pressure. Heat increases the overall tire pressure while cold weather causes the pressure to decrease. Consult your owner's manual for the appropriate cold weather pressures. While you won’t want to overinflate your tires, you’ll still need to make adjustments to the pressure in winter.

Ride safe and ride in style with the best custom motorcycle wheels from RC Components. If you have any questions about our products, don’t hesitate to contact us. We want to help you make your bike the most eye-catching ride on the street!